Tag Archives: Feri



So I’ve been drawn toward studing Feri for almost a year now. I have yet to undertake this, as I’m still finishing up my dedicate class with the traditional coven I’ve been with for two and a half years. I should be done in late June or July, I think (unless we postpone class for some reason).

What intrigues me, from what I’ve read online and the little I’ve read so far of T. Thorn Coyle‘s Evolutionary Witchcraft, is the emphasis on personal development, inner transformation, personal power and creativity, and lack of strong structure or hierarchy. In this last point, I may be wrong–I’ve read one person online commenting on how Feri tended toward hierarchy and the egotism or “game-playing” that comes with it (sometimes). (This is the only person I’ve heard mention this, however, so I don’t know if they just had a bad experience or what.)

In any case, I plan on going back to Thorn Coyle’s book and finishing it this summer. I’ve cursorily looked into the different braches and read about BlackHeart, Storm Faerywolf’s, Vicia, and the Third Road branches, as well as the offshoot, Reclaiming. At this point, I gravitate toward Storm and Thorn and Reclaiming, but we’ll see once I’ve finished her book.

I just wish there was a group or an initiate closer by to my location so I didn’t have to consider flying somewhere or long distance education.

Why Don't Neo-Pagans Read New Age Books?


I have to say, I do wish more Neo-Pagan folks would check out this book. I find a lot of them stick too closely within their defined path and don’t read or explore much beyond magick, the Gods, ritual, healing, divination, etc. I wonder if there’s a fear of being saddled with that much-maligned monolith: New Age…? Or maybe people just aren’t interested; I don’t know. I do know that there is a lot to learn here and in other non-Pagan, yet metaphysical, books. In fact, if there was more emphasis on “enlightenment” or consciousness raising among covens and groves, they may not experience all the egotism and power struggles which inevitably arise. Some groups, of course, are strong and surmount these challenges, but others are not. Just think what a better shot they’d have if their members were actively trying to better themselves spiritually, not just magickally.

I myself have recognized, finally, what it is about the traditional coven with which I’m studying that repels me. (I’m wrapping up the 2nd year of class–I am a Dedicate–but have decided not to initiate.) It is the egotism, used in the way Tolle uses it, and the hypocrisy this causes. I’ve heard certain ideals espoused and proclaimed, even, as why this tradition is unique, family-like, and long-lived. I’ve just as often seen pride, ignorance, and exclusivity take over.

I’m certainly not perfect, either, but I find it hard to submit to a tradition’s hierarchy and protocol when I feel to be on a peer-level with some of the “higher-ups.” Now there may be Elders who do deserve both their status and my absolute respect. But until I find myself studying under one, why should I feign the position of student? I have as much to teach as the rest. This just struck me as sounding prideful. What I really mean is–why can’t we all share our diverse knowledge and experience, instead of having an appointed teacher (i.e. High Priest/ess), who may or may not deserve the position?  

It sounds like I’m headed for a non-traditional group. If only there were some Feri people in my area…